Presenting HDI
11 November 2013
First public outing for HDI garners a best paper award!
Having serialised our thoughts into the Tech Report, we thought it would be a good idea to give them a public airing so to speak. So we did, submitting an extended abstract to the Digital Economy All-hands meeting 2013. Now in it’s fourth year, this is the annual meeting of the RCUK Digital Economy Programme, and a good chance to meet up with like-minded folk.
We were accepted for presentation with some pretty favourable reviews and so, last Monday (November 4th) we were the first research presentation up at this year's meeting in Salford. As the first research presentation following several keynote presentations, the audience were still warming up but we still had some good questions and subsequent discussions over drinks at the very fine technical demonstrator session (disclaimer: I organised it :)
On the Tuesday evening I was even more pleased to discover that we'd been awarded one of the best paper awards (the others were the best student paper, “Designing e-Voting for Participation: methodology” and one other best paper, “CURIOS: Connecting Community Heritage through Linked Data”.
As the presenter, I (of course) claimed the prize associated with the award: a shiny new Nexus 7 mini-tablet -- very nice! First impressions after being an iPad user for a few months is that it's a useful form factor, Android has improved significantly since the (rather old) version on my Samsung Galaxy SII phone, and I probably prefer it to iOS even though I've not yet upgraded to iOS7. (Read that as you will :)